Empat Minutes Sydney Menuju New Year 2009
Posted On Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at at 12/31/2008 11:56:00 PM by BissiE12 menit Menjelang New Year 2009 di Opera House and Harbour Bridge
Posted On at at 12/31/2008 11:48:00 PM by BissiE
Persiapan Menjelang Pesta Firework in Sydney 2009
Posted On at at 12/31/2008 11:33:00 PM by BissiEPersiapan yang dilakukan pemerintah setempat termasuk pengamanan baik dari pihak Police, team kesehatan dan semua pihak yang terkait yang di antaranya team pemadam kebakaran
banyaknya intel mondar
mandir. Bagi yang ngk bisa masuk mendekati Opera House ataupun Harbour Bridge di sediakan layar electronic television yang besar sehingga bisa nonton bareng menyaksikan pesta kembang api.

Tak Punya NPWP, Bayar Fiskal Rp 2,5 Juta Mulai 1 Januari 2009
Posted On Sunday, December 28, 2008 at at 12/28/2008 10:42:00 PM by BissiE
Orang asing yang berada di Indonesia kurang dari 183 hari dalam 12 bulan
Pejabat Perwajilan Diplomatik
Pejabat Perwajilan Organisasi Internasional
WNI yang memiliki dokumen resmi penduduk negara lain
Jamaah Haji
Pelintas batas jalan darat
Tenaga Kerja Indonesia dengan Kartu Tenaga Kerja Luar Negeri (KTKLN).
Mahasiswa asing dengan rekomendasi perguruan tinggi.
Orang asing yang melakukan penelitian
Tenaga kerja asing di pulau Batam, Bintan dan Karimun
Penyandang cacat atau orang sakit yang akan berobat ke luar negeri atas biaya organisasi sosial termasuk seorang pendamping
Anggota misi kesenian, kebudayaan, olah raga dan keagamaan
Program pertukaran mahasiswa dan pelajar
Tenaga Kerja Indonesia selain KTKLN.
Tidak menyerahkan fotokopi kartu NPWP/SKT/SKTS
Menyerahkan fotokopi NPWP/SKT/SKTS namun check digit menyatakan tidak valid
Menyerahkan fotokopi kartu NPWP/SKT/SKTS yang dimiliki oleh Kepala Keluarga namun tidak melampirkan kartu keluarga atau melampirkan kartu keluarga tetapi nama penumpang tidak tercantum dalam susunan kartu keluarga itu.
Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru
Posted On at at 12/28/2008 08:45:00 AM by BissiE
Selamat Menempuh Hidup baru buat icky and fany, Bissie dan temen2 semua mendoakan semoga kalian selalu mendapat berkah dan menjadi keluarga yang sakinah, mawadah dan warohmah.. amiin.
As you begin a new life together, we wishing you the best for your future. And Congratulations on your marriage, have a wonderful life together.
The Best Is Yet To Be
On your joyful wedding day, You begin a brand new life.
Friends and family give their gifts
To joyful husband, blissful wife.
But the greatest gift you'll ever get,
A gift from heaven above,
Is love forever, ending never,
Everlasting love.
You'll share life's joy and pleasure;
You'll have plenty of that, it's true.
But love is the real treasure
For your new spouse and you.
And if life hands you challenges,
As it does to one and all,
Your love will hold you steady
And never let you fall.
Your wedding day is full of joy;
Tomorrow you cannot see.
But one thing's sure for the two of you:
The best is yet to be.
By Joanna Fuchs
Sydney Paddy's Market
Posted On at at 12/28/2008 06:49:00 AM by BissiE
Kalau anda seorang pelancong atau yang lagi ambil holiday ke Sydney Australia tentu anda mengenal SyDney Paddy's Market yang kini menjadi tempat paling favorit untuk shopping oleh2. Tempat shopping ini berada di jalan Ultimo Sydney dekat dengan jalan raya besar George St. Di samping itu tempat ini juga berdekatan dengan Darling harbour yang terkenal dengan suasana pelabuhan local yang indah. Sehingga bagi anda para pelancong yang mau mampir ke tempat yang mudah di jangkau ini bisa juga sekalian jalan2 ke darling habour bersama temen2 atau family terdekat.
Mayoritas pedagang di sydney paddy's market ini adalah komunitas chinese termasuk juga indo chinese. Mereka menawarkan berbagai macam bentuk barang oleh2 berupa baju, celana, topi, jam, mainan, gantungan kunci dan lain sebagainya. Barang2 itu rata2 bertuliskan atau bergambarkan australia sehingga bagi yang membeli akan teringat ketika jalan2 ke australia. Dan masalah harga akan sangat berfariasi tergantung dari kemurahan hati penjual dan kesabaran pembeli tetapi tetap masih terjangkau. Hal tersebut menjadikan tempat ini unik karena di manapun tempat shopping di australia sangat jarang bisa tawar menawar ketika membeli barang. Tetapi di sydney paddy's market anda bisa coba menawar karena mereka kadang memberikan tarif di atas harga rata2. Pelancong dari indonesia mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi dalam tawar menawar barang, anda bisa menawar sepuasnya tapi jangan menawar terlalu rendah dari harga yang di tawarkan. Anda bisa menawar antara 10-20% atau bisa lebih kalau anda berani. Mungkin lebih mudah lagi kalau anda mencoba mencari pedagang yang dari indonesia jadi anda bisa tawar menawar dengan menggunakan bahasa indonesia. Tetapi walaupun demikian, pastinya semua tergantung dari kocek kantong anda.
Sekilas Perbedaan Perawat Indonesia dan Australia
Posted On Friday, December 19, 2008 at at 12/19/2008 10:42:00 PM by BissiE Semua orang akan memahami bahwa profesi keperawatan adalah sebuah profesi yang sangat menentukan bagi baik buruknya system pelayanan kesehatan di sebuah negara. Baik itu di negara yang sedang berkembang ataupun negara maju, system pelayanan kesehatan terutama di bidang keperawatan seharusnya sudah mempunyai peraturan perundang2an yang sama secara universal atau international
Selengkapnya di http://bissienurse.blogspot.com/
Anakku Lahir
Posted On Thursday, December 18, 2008 at at 12/18/2008 06:06:00 PM by BissiE
The Married Plan for This Month
Posted On Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at at 12/09/2008 07:21:00 AM by BissiE
Good luck for Tommy as one of our best friends who going to get married soon on the middle of this month. The wedding celebration will be on Monday, 15 December 2008 at 19.oo WIB in Gedung Graha Waris Sejahtera, SURAKARTA.
Today is not the culmination but Just the beginning of a growing love; Today just plants the seed from which will grow A new tree of life yet untried, untested. Possibly a tall eucalyptus tree, Able to bend with the winds and storms; Maybe a wattle, reliably bright – Symbol of nation, of what’s right and true. Or maybe a new breed to us yet unknown, Which finds meaning and purpose anew. Today’s wedding is just the tree’s planting. Our friendship and love provides the rich soil; Our best wishes add the right warmth and light; Your life until now has just tilled the earth,Working together from here makes love grow.
by Melanie James
Open House aND BBQ
Posted On Monday, December 8, 2008 at at 12/08/2008 11:20:00 PM by BissiE
On the other hand,

Sholat idul adha '08 in Wiley Park
Posted On at at 12/08/2008 06:27:00 PM by BissiE
Idul Adha is another big day celebration in the muslim society after idul fitri which is normally marked with having qurban. As we know that Qurban is the way to share and help other muslim in the poverty by such as donate animal for example cow or lamb that to be consume together. In this day muslim also have sunnah pray which is better to be held in the field.
Idul adha 2008 is on monday today and has been held in Waley Park for muslim society living around Lakemba and Waley Park, however in the fact, not only community around those place but also from other areas for pray together. This celebration has been held sucessfullly with almost around 490 jamaah roughly which is include majority of binawan community.
Ashabul kahfi is organisation behind the celebration but however they also collaboration with friends from binawan. As we can see, one of our friend name sYafe'i became the translator the real khutbah from ustad Djauri from jakartaIndonesia. Moreover, the pray itself commenced at around 7 o'clock am and finished at about 8 am. And fortunately it was great day for pray as it's not rain at the time.
UtS Desaign Expo 2008
Posted On Saturday, December 6, 2008 at at 12/06/2008 06:47:00 AM by BissiE.jpg)
Apakah anda bingung cari tempat buat acara weekend minggu ini.. hmm.. enaknya kemana ya..? Sydney harbour Bridge udah bosan kesana mulu..,Opera House apalagi.. walaupun sebenarnya ngak ngebosinin amat sih tapi sering banget main kesana and mo cari suasana baru.. tapi dmana ya... ada yang gratis ngak ya.. he2..?
Wedding Congratulation
Posted On Friday, December 5, 2008 at at 12/05/2008 09:26:00 AM by BissiECongratulation to Ika Zainul and Detia.. There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.. Good Luck and one more time..Happy marriages begin when we marry the one we love, and they blossom when we love the one we married.
BISSIE Best Photogenic Child
Posted On at at 12/05/2008 08:57:00 AM by BissiE ooh soo cute.. eventhough the sunglasses bigger then her face but that still make her more beautiful and different. bUt anyway do you know Who is she? Yes she is Maisa Lia endro. but Sorry unforunately BISSIE doesn't know the complete name of her. She is winning the best fotogenic picture this year.. yeee..yeee.. This picture has been choosen randomly and announced by BISSIE team..congratulation both endro anda Lia..
Lebaran Hari Raya Idul Fitri 2008 in Lakemba and Wiley Park Sydney
Posted On Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at at 12/03/2008 11:08:00 AM by BissiE

Selamat Hari Raya idul Fitri 2008 bagi temen2 yang tinggal di aussie dan yang membaca tulisan ini juga tentunya. Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin untuk temen2 semua. Smoga hari demi hari selalu membawa berkah bagi kita semua dan kita kembali suci di hari yang fitri.
Are you bored? Lets play Card together..!
Posted On at at 12/03/2008 10:10:00 AM by BissiEHmm.. what's the day guys? Work so busy.. study become harder with mountly assignment.. Girls/ wife being tired with cooking, ironing, washing, and cleaning as well.. Single/widow/widower become difficult being lonely... then any a way to dictract those..?
Yes.. might be a good way to just let those away for awhile is playing card with friends. Do you know how to play card and how well you play card just ask them, the people in the picture.. they are good player.. but oups.. don't believe straightaway if someone saying that he /she is one of good player card in the world. Because playing card is puzzle and tricky.. whoever playing card since she /he was a child, they might be able to play card but not as good as tricky boys. Don't as them to teach you how to play card but just watch them.. then you will know the way how play it. but anyway the main thing in the playing card is just having fun. And the last one is no money and no girl to be used in this fun..
Have a fun playing card with your frinds guys..
Kunci Kesuksesan BFC (Binawan Football Club)
Posted On Saturday, November 29, 2008 at at 11/29/2008 05:26:00 PM by BissiEBinawan Football Club
Posted On at at 11/29/2008 05:06:00 PM by BissiE