Open House aND BBQ

The next actifities after finishing idul adha pray
are chating, visiting to friends whoever providing openhouse and the last and important one is eating together..he2..hee2..

This picture was taken when we were visiting ashabul kahfi. The first place that's offering for meals and drinks. It's quite nice because we were eating food with ustad and other friends from community, not only from binawan. And the food itself was delicious as well. Thank for ashabul kahfi..

On the other hand, As many friends offering open house, bissie (binawan aussie) tried to visit all of them. Eventhough finally only visiting Kamal's and Diana's Flat. However we still able to make silaturrahmi together because almost majority of binawan community came together in the same place.

All friends has been having enjoy with special java mie noodle, chicken,beef n lamb BBQ as well. on the other hand we got unbeatable home made durian juice and some fruits as well such as watermelon, cherries and others. oohh.. nice...anyway.. hopefully we could maintain this annual celebration every year. Then, the big family of binawan still keep in touch..!!

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    wah,,seru yach,,BBQ nya,,,keep going aja yach,,ane dukung,,apalagi sponsornya dari RN,,,he,,he,,he,,

  2. BissiE Says:

    Hei joan.. where were you ytd and why you're not coming joining with us.. it was quite nice you know.. and the celebration welcome to everybody ytd.. but anyway thank for adding comment..

  3. Anonymous Says:

    yesterday,,,,ehm,,,yeah i missed the party right, i went to hospital for medical assessment at Canterbury hospital.
    just wish me luck guys,
